Last week we went to Lava Hot Springs for a few days. Jason planned a surprise trip for me! I was so excited- I've never not had to plan a trip before, it was really nice! All I had to do was pack and go. Jason and I went snowboarding one of the days we were there and Jack went to hang out with the nice lady at the daycare. The mountain didn't have much snow but it sure was a lot of fun snowboarding with Jas! Oh, and it was really foggy. Kind of cool, and kind of scary because you couldn't see very far ahead of you and there were signs everywhere telling you to watch out for rocks. We also went to the hot pools there and Jack seemed to enjoy it. We tried to stay in the coolest end of the coolest pool so the little guy didn't overheat! Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures that night. I'm really bad at capturing memories. All in all a very fun trip. The bed and breakfast we stayed at was pretty interesting. It was really old, so anyone who knows me will know that I liked it just for that reason alone. However, they advertised that they had a few hot pools of their own in the hotel, so when we ventured down to the basement and found them, I opted out. They kind of looked like something you would see in a horror movie. And I'm not sure why I look like I'm doing kung fu in the first picture.