Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Beautiful Oregon Coast!

Just before Thanksgiving Jason and I took a little vacation to see the Oregon coast. Neither of us had ever been there before, but we'd heard great things so it seemed like it would be a nice getaway! Well I know it was a while ago now, but I couldn't pass up posting these pictures because it's just so beautiful there! I would definitely go back again. Maybe a summer home...

Until recently I didn't know the difference between seals and sea lions. Apparently these are seals, and they're much cuter than sea lions.
These are sea lions. Kinda blobby. Still cool.

These are at the aquarium where you can walk through tunnels in the tanks, it was way cool!

The fish could even swim below you!

This shark swam right over our heads - hence the weird angle.

This was the first lighthouse in Oregon. It's supposedly haunted....

This lighthouse replaced the first one a few years later. We got to go up inside this one.

Lighthouse #3

This was a lightkeepers house, now its a bed and breakfast. I asked Jason if he would buy it for me and he said yes so I'm sure he'll surprise me with it any day now.

The world's largest sea cave. Sounds a little cooler than it was. It was supposed to be full of sea lions but they were all out in the ocean that day.

Monday, December 8, 2008

i rescued a laptop

i put out my second car fire today. it was in the U of U's parking lot, where you have to drive passed a guard shack to pay your fee's with one lane going in and 3 coming out. due to the position of the flaming car, we drove lights and sirens in going right into traffic which caused quite a panic. i jumped out and got to the nozzle first so i could squirt it out. it was flaming up pretty good, we knocked that down then popped the hood to even bigger flames. tons of smoke, lots of fire, but we got it out. then we got into the car to check to see if the fire got in, and there was a lap top under the dash right by where the fire was. without thinking i climbed into the non flaming, non dangerous car, and moved the lap top to the back seat. i'm no hero, just doing my job. the owner of the car came up in time to see his car flaming and a fire man breaking his window. he lives in provo but goes to school at the U. i told him thats probably a sign from the good lord that he should've gone to BYU.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

fire house station tours

things have been slow around the ol fire house lately. the most action i've had has been when i put on all my fire clothes to power wash all the showers in the station (i got soaked, which is why i wore my fire clothes. imagine washing your shower out with a fire hose). today was we gave a tour, which we commonly do, to an 18 year old boy with down syndrome and his grandpa. it was by far my favorite tour we'd done yet. this boy was so excited to see the fire truck, and his face lit right up when we let him get in. he honked the horn (not so bad inside the fire engine, deafening standing next to it) and turned on the lights and he sprayed some water from the hose. his grandpa said he'd never seen him so happy and excited. his grandpa was really funny to, so we all had a great time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

birthday presents!

i had a great pre birthday party with my sweet wife and family. we had my annual spice cake (which i recently found out was cheap enough i can have it whenever i want) and some iced cream, followed up by presents! linds got me a neoprene life jacket to enhance my waterskiing abilites and my siblings and sibling in laws got me madden 09 to hold me over thru the winter until i can use my chafe-proof life jacket. thanks again to all of them! i was so excited that when everyone left i tried both of them out together

moody dog

daisy has been going thru alot of phases lately. there was a long independant phase, where she didnt want us unless she wanted a belly rub. then there was eating things she knows she shouldnt such as half a bag of oatmeal cookies and a phone book. but now she is in the needy/cuddly phase. which is much better than eating phone books

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ultrasound Pictures!

I'm a little late for my post deadline (sorry Arlene!), but I figured better late than never! I'm finally posting the pictures we got from our ultrasound, hmmm.... almost a month ago? We found out we're having a boy, as most of you already know by now. I was a little shocked when we first found out, but Jason called it on the way over so I don't think he was surprised at all! It's so great knowing what we're having now, it makes it seem so much more real. I think that's the reason I was shocked, not to find out that it was a boy but to finally realize I'm really having a baby!! Well I'm 23 weeks along now, about 5 1/2 months, and a few people have been requesting another belly picture so that will be soon to come, and I think you'll all be more than a little surprised. I've grown a ton since the 4 month picture! But for now...Ultrasound!
This one confirms that we're having a boy! He was hiding for most of the ultrasound-the tech was getting kind of frustrated when she was looking for his organs, but as soon as it was time for this shot, he wasn't shy at all!
Here's a spooky Halloween shot. He looks like an alien or something, it's kind of frightening at first, until you look closer and you can see his little belly and he has his knees pulled up to his chest. I think this one is probably my favorite!
The rest are not quite as clear. Like I said before, he was being a little camera shy, but here is his little foot, and the next one is a profile. I'm a little jealous of Michelle's ultrasound because she got some 3D pictures, but I guess I'll find out what he looks like soon enough! Hopefully not an alien... but I'm sure I'll love him no matter what!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Boy or girl - place your bets!

Well here is my first official (and long awaited) blog post. I'm still learning how to use this thing, and I'll be honest - it's a little hard! But I can't rely on my husband to be the blogger of the family anymore because he's already passed the torch to me, so I thought that we should probably make an official announcement about our new little addition! We're having a baby in March, on the 2nd to be exact, but we don't know what it is yet. We find out on Oct 7th - 7 days from now!! So I'm posting a poll to see what everyone thinks we're going to have (boy or girl, because we already know it's a baby!). We've discovered that neither Jason nor I have any parental intuition and have no idea what it is, so that's why we're requesting your input. We sure are excited though!! I bought a crib on Saturday, so now we just have to clean out the spare bedroom, which will be no easy task.

Here are some shots of my growing belly! The first one is at about 3 months, the second is at 4 months. It may not look like a lot now, but just you wait!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

fire station excitement

the last two shifts have been pretty slow, even for station 10. today started with some excitement, a small (very small) fire at a local high school. it was a full alarm so 3 fire engines, a fire truck, the battalion chief, and me in my utility (water boy) truck. when i got out and walked over to meet my crew i was greeted by a group of high school students asking "hey, who ordered a stripper?" kids are so clever. i told them to stay in school and say no to drugs. other than that, i spent my day reading my text books and examining the fire stations sprinkler system. in the afternoon the my captain brought us out to practice throwing ladders up onto a building which was really a trick to get me to wash the windows. so not only did i sharpen my skills our windows look great now. so i will probably head to bed now, so i can get some sleep before the next elderly person falls out of bed.

state fair 08

last night we went on our annual trip to the state fair with our good friend jeff jackson. we had a great time as expected, fun you can only have at the fair. we saw a giant sculpture of cows made from butter, the great clips nascar, a bunch of captive tigers, many interesting fair going people, and countless animals. i had funnel cake for dinner, with dippin dots for dessert. while i was in line to buy my dinner, linds and jeff made their guesses what i would come back with. linds guessed it right on, including the kinds i was debating between. my girl knows me so good. the night was bitter sweet though, bitter for linds, sweet for me. due to being pregnant linds could not ride the zipper, which is what she looks forward to all year. i on the other hand get the night off from feeling nausious. all in all, a great night

ok, catching up on blogging

so its been awhile since i typed anything on this thing and i've recieved a few complaints about that. so here's what jason and lindsay and daisy have been up to. i'm happy to report that daisy still has 4 good legs, knock on wood. keep her in your prayers. we bought a boat a few weeks ago and since have been putting all the our money into big oils deep pockets. (totally worth it.) Linds is carrying our child, constantly sick and sleepy but is a little trooper. i'm real proud of her. she only throws up when i'm not home so thus far i'm no help. this week our baby is the size of a lemon. we have our second baby appointment tomorrow morning, so in about a month we'll be able to find out what sex it is which will be exciting. linds is busy at work helping students fund their education, and doing quite well. although she still refuses to hang her diploma on the wall of her office, probably because she doesnt want to intimadate anyone who comes into her office with her intelligence and expensive looking picture frames. hopefully more pictures to come on this blog soon.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

blogs are hard

For some reason, we have a blog and never add to it. To be honest, i was hoping that lindsay would get into it and take care of this for us since she is the smart, wordy, good speller of the two of us. But since i work at a slow fire house i have time to type stuff between doing homework and saving lives. my siblings all have interesting things to type about, where do you get your inspiration? hmmmm... whats something interesting... i did my first chest compressions on a real person last week! it was a little weird, i felt his ribs crack as i pushed on them. he was unconscious, but his eyes were open and one was looking at me. lots of vomit. i was good to get some real expirience. i'm not sure if he made it or not. i'm open to ideas of how to make this a more decent blog

Saturday, July 19, 2008

today we made a blog. ldz made fun of me for it, because yesterday i hated blogs, but now we have one. but today is a new day. as of saturday july 19th, we have a blog, a video camera, ldz has a new phone, and daisy got her cast off, and i have new undies that hold in the heat to well so i have a sweaty bum. good thing i have a blog now so everyone will know that.