Tuesday, September 9, 2008

state fair 08

last night we went on our annual trip to the state fair with our good friend jeff jackson. we had a great time as expected, fun you can only have at the fair. we saw a giant sculpture of cows made from butter, the great clips nascar, a bunch of captive tigers, many interesting fair going people, and countless animals. i had funnel cake for dinner, with dippin dots for dessert. while i was in line to buy my dinner, linds and jeff made their guesses what i would come back with. linds guessed it right on, including the kinds i was debating between. my girl knows me so good. the night was bitter sweet though, bitter for linds, sweet for me. due to being pregnant linds could not ride the zipper, which is what she looks forward to all year. i on the other hand get the night off from feeling nausious. all in all, a great night

1 comment:

Monica said...

I had Dippin Dots for dinner last year when I went to the state fair haha good times!