I got a baby Dylan this year! Dylan Jason Buhler is here! We're so excited to have such a little angel. He was born Friday morning at 5:16 am. He is a tiny little thing! He weighed 4 lb 0 oz and was 17.5 in long. He was 37 weeks exactly but my dr thinks he stopped growing around 34 weeks and that's why he's so small. A little about the labor and delivery - it was fast! He was born a little less than an hour after we got to the hospital. I'm always so afraid of going into the hospital and getting sent home so I wait until the very last minute when I decide I REALLY must be in labor and by then I force myself to go through all the hard contractions without any epidural, which is totally opposite of what I would want to do. I'm all about avoiding the pain. So anyway, Jason and I left Jack in the care of our neighbors at 4 am (thanks, durfees!) and went to the hospital and I was dilated to a 6. They told me the anesthesiologist was already there so he would be in to take care of me in a matter of minutes. It seemed like hours. It was probably only about 15 minutes, and I should be grateful I was even able to get it because at one point I heard one of the nurses telling the anesthesiologist he had to hurry because if I breathed wrong my water would break and we'd have a baby. So by the time I finally got it, Jason's hands were crushed and I was feeling like the pain had definitely beat me in a battle of wills. Then a short 5 minutes and two contractions later we had a baby! He was with us most of the morning, but his temperature kept dropping and his blood sugar wasn't quite high enough so by early afternoon they took him into the special care nursery where he's been ever since, and will probably stay for at least another few weeks. His blood sugar has been fine for two days, but because he's so skinny he can't keep himself warm, and he gets too warn out and burns too many calories when he tries to eat so he's on a feeding tube half of the time so he won't have to work so hard. So for now, Jason and I are making 3 or 4 trips a day over to the hospital to be with little Dylan until he can come home with us (luckily the hospital is around the corner from our house!). It's not the ideal situation but I know we're lucky to have such a healthy, albeit pint size, little boy! And now for the good stuff...

P.S. All the tubes and wires look a little scary, but the IVs in his head are for a dextrose 10 supplement which gives him a few extra calories and supplements, and a precautionary antibiotic that they took him off of because they decided he didn't have any infections. The oxygen is mostly just to give him a little more stamina but also to make sure his oxygen levels stay up. So in my opinion it looks worse than it really is. I have to keep reminding myself of all this every time I start to get a little freaked out!
I work in a NICU/Special Care Nursery at Timpanogos. It does look a lot scarier to outsiders than it really is. I'm glad he's doing well and I hope you get to bring him home soon! Feeding will be his biggest challenge, so don't get discouraged!
Congrats Buhler family!
SO So So precious!! He is such a tiny little guy! I'm so glad to see pictures of him! In the second picture, where you're holding him, he looks SO small! And he looks like Jack, too! I'm so happy for you!
Summer had to have an IV in her head, too. She had IVs everywhere possible it seems. :) I sure hope he can come home soon!
And a word from the wise: if you're planning on nursing little Dylan, it'll probably be a long road ahead. Summer got so used the bottles in the nursery, that she hated nursing - it just took so much more effort than the bottle. I eventually just started pumping and feeding her a bottle until we all together gave into formula when she was 3 months. Good luck with whatever you do!
We'd love to come visit soon!
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