I'm a little late for my post deadline (sorry Arlene!), but I figured better late than never! I'm finally posting the pictures we got from our ultrasound, hmmm.... almost a month ago? We found out we're having a boy, as most of you already know by now. I was a little shocked when we first found out, but Jason called it on the way over so I don't think he was surprised at all! It's so great knowing what we're having now, it makes it seem so much more real. I think that's the reason I was shocked, not to find out that it was a boy but to finally realize I'm really having a baby!! Well I'm 23 weeks along now, about 5 1/2 months, and a few people have been requesting another belly picture so that will be soon to come, and I think you'll all be more than a little surprised. I've grown a ton since the 4 month picture! But for now...Ultrasound!
This one confirms that we're having a boy! He was hiding for most of the ultrasound-the tech was getting kind of frustrated when she was looking for his organs, but as soon as it was time for this shot, he wasn't shy at all!

Here's a spooky Halloween shot. He looks like an alien or something, it's kind of frightening at first, until you look closer and you can see his little belly and he has his knees pulled up to his chest. I think this one is probably my favorite!

The rest are not quite as clear. Like I said before, he was being a little camera shy, but here is his little foot, and the next one is a profile. I'm a little jealous of Michelle's ultrasound because she got some 3D pictures, but I guess I'll find out what he looks like soon enough! Hopefully not an alien... but I'm sure I'll love him no matter what!